Embed PHP script in the Webpage

The PHP script is used to make a website dynamic.
The code is written within the defined PHP tags otherwise it would not execute.
With tags, you can display the final output after data manipulation e.g. listing fetch records from MySQL database in the <table>, display value in HTML element, upload image, etc.


  1. PHP Tags
  2. Include statement
  3. Conclusion

1. PHP Tags

All PHP codes are specified within <?php ?> tag.
Syntax –
   // code

             echo "PHP CODE";

2. Include and require

With include and require statement, you can include existing files in your file.
Syntax – include

include "file-path";
Syntax – require

 require "file-path";

Both statement use for including file but only difference is –
The require statement trigger FATAL ERROR if a file included more than once but the include statement doesn’t.

<?php include "config.php"; ?>
             echo "PHP CODE";

3. Conclusion

Specify your PHP code between <?php ?> tags in the webpage. You can use include and require statement to embed existing files.




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