Add and remove record from MySQL Database with AngularJS

If you know how to add or remove record to MySQL database table with jQuery AJAX then it’s been a lot easier for you to do with AngularJS.
Using PHP for handling requests and return a response.
In the demonstration, I create a form for entering new records and show the list of records in the table layout with a delete button.

1. Table structure

I am using users table in the tutorial example.
CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `username` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
  `fname` varchar(80) NOT NULL,
  `lname` varchar(80) NOT NULL

2. Configuration

Create a new config.php file.
Completed Code

$host = "localhost"; /* Host name */
$user = "root"; /* User */
$password = ""; /* Password */
$dbname = "tutorial"; /* Database name */

$con = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password,$dbname);
// Check connection
if (!$con) {
 die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());


Define ng-app='myapp' and ng-controller='userCtrl' on <div>.
Created two table layouts –
  1. First, contains 3 input element with ng-model directive and a button with ng-click directive.
  2. On the second layout, define ng-repeat directive on <tr> to show the list of users using AngularJS. Added Delete button following with user record and define ng-click="remove(index,".
Completed Code
<div ng-app='myapp' ng-controller="userCtrl">
 <!-- New entry -->
   <td>First Name</td>
   <td><input type='text' id='txt_fname' ng-model='fname'></td>
   <td>Last Name</td>
   <td><input type='text' id='txt_lname' ng-model='lname'></td>
   <td><input type='text' id='txt_uname' ng-model='uname'></td>
   <td><input type='button' id='but_save' value='Save' ng-click="add()" ></td>

 <!-- User list -->
 <table border="1">
   <th>First name</th>
   <th>Last name</th>
  <tr ng-repeat="user in users">
   <td><input type='button' ng-click='remove($index,;' value='Delete'></td>

4. PHP

Create a addremove.php file.
Read POST data and executing operations according to the $request_type value  –
  • request_type = 1 (List) – Return all list of users in JSON format.
  • request_type = 2 (Insert) – Check if the username already exists in the users table if not exists then insert a new record and return a JSON response.
  • request_type = 3 (Delete)- Check if userid exists or not. If exists then delete a record from users table.
Completed code

include 'config.php';

$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));

$request_type = $data->request_type;

// Get all records
if($request_type == 1){
  $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");
  $result = $stmt->get_result();
  $data = array();
  if($result->num_rows > 0){
     while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $data[] = array("id"=>$row['id'],"fname"=>$row['fname'],"lname"=>$row['lname'],"username"=>$row['username']); 
  echo json_encode($data);

// Insert record
if($request_type == 2){
  $fname = $data->fname;
  $lname = $data->lname;
  $username = $data->uname;

  // Check username already exists
  $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=?");
  $result = $stmt->get_result();
  $return_arr = array();
  if($result->num_rows == 0){

    // Insert
    $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO users(fname,lname,username ) values(?,?,?)";
    $stmt = $con->prepare($insertSQL);

    $lastinsert_id = $stmt->insert_id;
    if($lastinsert_id > 0){
       $return_arr[] = array("id"=>$lastinsert_id,"fname"=>$fname,"lname"=>$lname,"username"=>$username);
  echo json_encode($return_arr);

// Delete record
if($request_type == 3){
  $userid = $data->userid;
  // Check userid exists
  $stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?");
  $result = $stmt->get_result();

  if($result->num_rows > 0){

    // Delete
    $deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=?";
    $stmt = $con->prepare($deleteSQL);

    echo 1;
    echo 0;


5. Script

  • Send $http request from the controller to get all users records where pass request_type: 1 as data. Initialize $scope.users with response data.
  • On Add button click, pass entered input values as data in $http post request and set request_type: 2.  Push[0] value in $scope.users if is not empty.
  • On delete button click, send userid from $http and set request_type: 3. Remove record from $scope.users using splice() if == 1.
Completed code
var fetch = angular.module('myapp', []);

fetch.controller('userCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {

 // Get all records
  method: 'post',
  url: 'addremove.php',
  data: {request_type:1},

 }).then(function successCallback(response) {
  $scope.users =;

 // Add new record
 $scope.add = function(){
   method: 'post',
   url: 'addremove.php',
   data: {fname:$scope.fname,lname:$scope.lname,uname:$scope.uname,request_type:2},
  }).then(function successCallback(response) {
     if( > 0)
        alert('Record not inserted.');

 // Remove record
 $scope.remove = function(index,userid){
   method: 'post',
   url: 'addremove.php',
   data: {userid:userid,request_type:3},
  }).then(function successCallback(response) {
     if( == 1)
        $scope.users.splice(index, 1);
        alert('Record not deleted.');


6. Conclusion

In this tutorial, I showed how you can add or remove record from MySQL database table with AngularJS and PHP.
I use a single PHP file to handle all $http request for this define multiple if statement which executes according to request type.

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